Friday, August 10, 2007

Firstline Security

My Job!

I started working for Firstline Security in February 2003. I started as an installation technician in San Diego California and am currently working in operations.

How it all began. I was newly married and working for Priddis Music in Lindon, Utah. The Owner of Priddis was having a security system and camera system installed to...i guess spy on us, but as I watched the installers install the equipment, I kept telling myself that I would really enjoy doing that!

I just happned to mention this a couple months later during FHE with friends and one of our friends said..."I work for one of those type of companies." He gave me the information for one of the Technican managers and I gave him a call.

I called Sterling Barnes. He was actually one of the 4 owners at the time. He was over technicains and I interviewed with him. He liked me and told me to come to training. Training was held in this little hole-in-the-way storage units. It was built out to help new technicians gain rough skills before the job. I LOVED IT! I soaked in every bit of training that Sterling Barnes, Kevin Woodworth and Ryan Newcomer sent my way. They thought I did a good job and put me to work. Next stop...San Diego California.

Liz and I packed our things and were off to San Diego to be in the office under Babe (Jared) Kilgore. Our office ended up doing the most installs for one office over all others. I beleive their were 6 offices total in the company. I personally installed 154 summer installs. I really liked the company and wanted to stick around. Sterling flew out to visit our office and set down with me to talk about a future with Firstline. I liked me enough and told me to talk to him once back in Utah.

Back in Utah I went to our corporate office on Orem Blvd. There I met with Sterling and he acted as if he thought I did not want to work with Firstline. I guess I sounded really depressed during our interview. I corrected that was asked to meet with Brett Redd. Brett was another owner and controlled the $$. The said that they would give me a shot as the Serivce Department Manager.

to be continued...I am tired of typing

Links about Firsltine

Firstline Customer Website:

Firstline Recruiting Website:

Firsline Prodigy Project:

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